东元集团于2012年8月成立上海东元德高电机有限公司,授予东元在中国青岛工厂、无锡工厂、江西工厂营销服务职责。次年,台湾东元减速机导入中国大陆生产与销售,以卓越性能、优异质量,广受市场欢迎。2015年7月东元集团宣布以65亿台币并购世界知名蜗轮蜗杆减速机品牌专业厂商摩铎利( Motovario s.p.A)。透过此并购行动,东元将能结合马达单体至系统出货,并扩大市场营运规模,发挥显著综效。
A本体 Housing
Aluminum housing for output shaft diameter between 18-28, Housing material: ADC-12 aluminum alloy
Cast iron housing for output shaft diameter between 32-50 Housing material: FC-20 cast iron
B)1/2/3段齿轮1ST,2ND&3RD Stage gear
Gear machining by precision hobbing machine, gear precision level between grade 2-3
Gear with $45C material, By normalize induction hardened heat treatment to hardness Hrc 45-48
c)二/三段齿轴2ND&3 RD Stage pinion
Gear pinion machining by skiving cutting, pinion precision level between grade 1-2
Pinion with SCM21 materiaL By normalize carbonize hardened heat treatment to hardness HRC 58-61
D)马达齿轴 Motor shaft
※马达齿轴经 SKIVING精密滚齿加工,齿轴精度等级为1-2级
Motor shaft gear pinion machining by skiving cutting, pinion precision level between grade 1-2.
Pinion with SCM4SCM4 material By normalize& induction hardened heat treatment to hardness HRC 50°~53°
E)轴承 Bearing
All motor shaft assembly with sweden made“SKF bearing or equivalent precision bearing. In order to ensure long life running
F)油封 Oil seal
Motor shaft side with“VITON“ material oil seal. it can prevent lubricant flow into motor casing.
G接线盒 Terminal box
Terminal box with aluminum alloy material. Special design for IP-55 level and totally avoid water and dust into
H)三相/单相马达本体 Three/ single phase motor housing
Three phase motor with totally enclosed fan cooled type, IP-55 aluminum terminal box totally avoid water and dust into housing
Single phase motor with semi-enclosed fan cooled steel plate type, high-efficiency running.(Al so available for totally enclose steel plate housing aluminum type housing)
I)马达后盖 Rear motor cover
Rear motor cover assembly with oil seal, it can prevent dust and water get into motor